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Tag Team Takedown pinball tournament

Sun, Feb 06



Grab a friend and get ready to rumble! You will be paired with another player for the duration of this tournament to battle it out against other teams for the title of the Pinball Tag Team Champions!

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Tag Team Takedown pinball tournament
Tag Team Takedown pinball tournament

Time & Location

Feb 06, 2022, 1:30 PM

Hillsboro, 1458 NE 25th Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97124, USA

About the event

Grab a friend and get ready to rumble! You will be paired with another player for the duration of this tournament to battle it out against other teams for the title of the Pinball Tag Team Champions!

Main Round: Target Match Play (14 points)

In target match play, teams will keep playing until eight teams reach the target score of 16.

Each round will be played out in a head to head match between 2 teams. Each grouping will play two matches back to back on their drawn table. At the beginning of each ball, your team decides which of your two players will play that ball. Each player must play at least one of the three balls. For the second game, the player that played two balls can only play one of the three balls. Each game win is worth two points, however if one team wins both matches in a round they are granted a KO (worth an additional two points, for a total of six points). Additionally, if a game is won with the winning team earning three times the points of their opponents, they earn a TKO and they are granted an additional point for that round.

The first four-eight (depending on attendance) teams to reach the target score will move onto the finals. In the event of multiple teams reaching the target points in the same round, ties will be broken in this order:

1) Higher total score

2) If total scores are even, then the team with more KOs or TKOs

3) If KO/TKO count is even, a single two-ball game played between the tied teams, each teammate playing 1 ball

Finals: Single Elimination Bracket

The finals will have each qualifying team play in a single elimination style tournament bracket. Seeds will be randomly determined.

Each final game will be played out in a 4 ball game on a randomly drawn table. Each teammate has to play two balls each. If an extra ball is earned in the middle of the game, that extra ball can be used as one of the 4 balls played. If no extra balls are earned for a team, that team plays one more ball on a new game at that table.

The losers of the semi-finals will play a similar 4 ball game with each other to determine 3rd and 4th place.

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